本格的リニューアル構想中のため、一部表示に不具合があります m(_ _)m

Nationalities, countries and regions 国籍、国、地域


1. introduction

the name of the country or region

Denmark Japan France Catalonia

the adjective

Danish Japanese French Catalan

the singular noun used for a person from the country

a Dane a Japanese a Frenchman/woman a Catalans

the plural expression the… used for the population as a whole

the Danes the Japanese the French the Catalans

the singular noun is the same as the adjective (e.g. Greek, Mexican).
the plural expression is usually the same as the adjective + -s (e.g. the Greeks, the Mexicans);
words ending in -ese, and Swiss, remain unchanged for plural meanings (e.g. the Japanese, the Swiss).
All words of this kind begin with capital letters.
The name of a national language is often the same as the national adjective.

    • * Danish is difficult to pronounce.
    • * Do you speak Japanese?

2. Examples

国名/地域名 Country/region Adjective Person Population
アメリカ America
(The United States)
American an American the Americans
ベルギー Belgium Belgian a Belgian the Belgians
ブラジル Brazil Brazilian a Brazilian the Brasilians
ヨーロッパ Europe European a European the Europeans
イタリア Italy Italian an Italian the Italians
ケニア Kenya Kenyan a Kenyan the Kenyans
モロッコ Morocco Moroccan a Moroccan the Moroccans
ノルウェー Norway Norwegian a Norwegian the Norwegians
パレスチナ Palestine Palestinian a Palestinian the Palestinians
ロシア Russia Russian a Russian the Russians
ギリシア Greece Greek a Greek the Greeks
イラク Iraq Iraqi an Iraqi the Iraqis
イスラエル Israel Israeli an Israeli the Israelis
タイ Thailand Thai a Thai the Thais
中国 China Chinese a Chinese (person) the Chinese
コンゴ Congo Congolese a Congolese (person) the Congolese
ポルトガル Portugal Portuguese a Portuguese (person) the Portuguese
スイス Switzerland Swiss a Swiss the Swiss

3. exceptions

国名/地域名 Country/region Adjective Person Population
イギリス Britain British a British person (Briton) the British
イングランド England English an Englishman/woman the English
フランス France French a Frenchman/woman the French
アイルランド Ireland Irish an Irishman/woman the Irish
スペイン Spain Spanish an Spaniard the Spanish
オランダ the Netherlands / Holland Dutch an Dutchman/woman the Dutch
ウェールズ Wales Welsh an Welshman/woman the Welsh
デンマーク Denmark Danish an Dane the Danes
フィンランド Finland Finnish an Finn the Finns
ポーランド Poland Polish an Pole the Poles
スコットランド Scotland Scottish, Schotch a Scot the Scots
スウェーデン Sweden Swedish a Swede the Swedes
トルコ Turkey Turkish a Turk the Turks
