本格的リニューアル構想中のため、一部表示に不具合があります m(_ _)m

adjectives 形容詞



He is in the classroom. 前置詞
Red is the in color this year. 形容詞 限定用法
Miniskirts are in this year. 形容詞 叙述用法(説明)
Please come in. 副詞


限定詞 形容詞 名詞
感想・評価 大きさ 新旧 色 材料・所属
a gorgeous young blond Swedish girl
my comfortable old leather armchair
this big yellow bird


She is beautiful and kind.

I’m looking for somebody better.
I’ve tried everything possible.
This is the worst scenario imaginable.
I’m afraid there are no seats available for tonight’s show.

That building is 150 meters high and 35 meters wide. 数字+形容詞
Did you know the tallest man in the world is 2 meters 49 centimeters tall?
You have to be 17 years old to drive a car in England.

I have a 5-year-old daughter. 限定の場合は複数形-s落ちる
25-meter pool
3-year contract

This is my only son. 限定専門
This is the main road.
former 元の~

He is still asleep. 説明専門
I’m afraid of spiders.

The discount is only available on certain days. ある、一定の
I’m certain I locked the door. 確信している

my late grandfather 故
I was late for the class.

the present situation
I wasn’t present at that meeting.

an old friend of mine 昔からの
He is old. 歳をとっている

04 形容詞・副詞- 英文法大全 - 英文法 英語 文法 表現 用法 英語学習